Environmental assessment (EA)
The environmental assessment (EA) for the Airport Connector Road project follows the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements and analyzes the project's potential impacts to the human and natural environment. The EA identifies the purpose and need of the project, develops alternatives that may meet the purpose and need, analyzes the environmental impacts of those alternatives, and recommends a preferred alternative. The EA was approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on May 22, 2024 and is available for review below. FHWA will make a final decision on the project after the public hearing.
The Environmental Assessment (EA) is also available for review in hard copy at:
Charleston County Government Offices
4045 Bridge View Drive, North Charleston, SC 29405
Environmental Assessment
Appendix A: Traffic Analysis Report
Appendix B: No-Build & Preliminary alternatives figures
Appendix C: Biological Assessment
Appendix D: Jurisdictional determination request (PENDING)
Appendix E: Floodplain risk assessment forms
Appendix F: detailed noise analysis report
Appendix G: hazardous materials report
Appendix H: Cultural Resources Report
Appendix I: Community Impact Assessment & Relocation Study
Appendix J: Environmental Justice Analysis
Appendix K: Public involvement & agency coordination